Log Status






Time Played

11h 35m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 2, 2023

First played

July 20, 2023

Platforms Played


Played from – to: (2023-07-20 – 2023-08-02) – Nintendo Switch.
‣ 4/10 – Luigi is a muppet.
‣ Thoughts: I can’t believe how much I despised playing this game. On almost all levels this felt unbearable and I’m sure that’s all me and the type of games I enjoy. On a slightly positive note, each floor of the mansion that is not a mansion but a 15-floor hotel (why call the game Luigi’s mansion?) is unique. They all have their own themes and theme fitting boss fights and enemies. Sadly, the enemies don’t have any variety besides the clothes they wear and the boss fights gameplay wise are trash. I enjoyed the pianist fight, but everything afterwards became a mundane slog. This is because Luigi only has a few and very limiting responses when it comes to dealing with ghosts. He can suck, he can push, he can pull, and he can stun that is it. Every fight is figuring out the appropriate reaction to the boss and repeating it 4 to 5 times. This is absurd because some puzzle solutions are bizarre. Doctor twat glasses gives useless hints and when you do finally realize what has to be done the game forces you to do it multiple times with barely any variety. On top of that you must wait half a millennium for the boss ghost to stop flexing all its moves in the arsenal until you can attack again. I’m not saying the puzzles in this game are hard, but the way to solve them is just accidental at times, because of the god-awful controls. I could go on how the sewer level is one of the worst sections of any game I have ever played and how the perspective of the camera makes some items feel closer than they are making puzzles feel unsolvable without google and so on. However, I think it is pretty apparent I hate Luigi’s Mansion and I could give you hundreds of reasons why, but that does not mean the game is bad for some of you. To me this is a bloated, boring, and poorly put together melting shit pile that gives the player zero satisfaction upon completion and should not have been made.