Played from – to: (2021-11-09 – 2021-11-14) - Beaten on PC via keyboard.
‣ 10/10 – Would you kindly play this?
‣ Final notes: Burial at Sea does everything I wanted BioShock Infinite to do. It revisits Rapture and expands BioShock 1’s story giving you more context and information how everything got this bad. You also see characters do things you only heard them do through audio logs. This extra content also expands on combat mechanics the way I expected it to expand and be in the base game. You can now hold more than two weapons and you have a convenient weapon wheel to cycle through. There are new plasmids and weapons introduced making combat even more fun. Additionally, now you can utilize stealth and enemies have detection indication. I loved that you get to play both as Elizabeth and Booker and that they have different play styles. Booker is a chunky aggressive soldier with tons of weapons and Elizabeth is sneakier and more harmless assassin that can only kill certain enemies and must distract or stun others. I really liked how different, expanded, and unique Elizabeth’s play style was. I can also understand why all these cool and fun gameplay mechanics were only introduced in the DLC because if they were in the main game Burial at Sea would not be so unique and fun. Overall, this expansion is fantastic, not only is it lengthy but it has a great story, fantastic gameplay innovations and mind-blowing atmospheric detail. Honestly, I can’t see how they could make a better BioShock game after this, because this is the peek.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023
