Played from – to: (2023-03-06 – 2023-03-11) – PS5.
‣ 7/10 – Here we go again… Pussy drives men to do crazy things.
‣ Thoughts: Kaito Files is an expansion that explores, well… Kaitos past that has caught up with him in the present. Overall, the story is pretty basic, and the villain has no interesting motives, however the supporting cast is pretty entertaining, and I found Kaito to be an amusing protagonist. I just wish we had more of him in the main game. On the other hand, when I say the villain is boring, I mean his main drive for doing bad things is power and money. However, I won’t deny the way he wriggles his way into power is pretty fucked up and twisted. Sadly, as a person, he appears to be very generic, and everyone around him gives off basic ass bitch vibes, with money and booze being their only motivation for action. I’d say this expansions story faces the same problems the prequels story had, where villains are bland, but the protagonist’s supporting cast is great. Unsurprisingly, you get to play as Kaito and in turn, fight as him. His fighting styles are pretty slow and heavy, being closest in comparison to Kiryu’s Beast style. In terms of gameplay, there’s not much to do besides pushing through the main plotline. There’re a few optional dialogue scenes you can experience, but for the most part, the game is just a narrow chapter-to-chapter story. For a 6-to-7-hour campaign, I’d say a 30 $ price tag is pretty steep, considering the main game is four times longer. However, if you love Lost Judgment and want to experience everything getting this in a deluxe edition on sale is a good deal.

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2023
