Fuck Activision for canceling the remastered version of this games as this is, at least in my opinion, the best modern warfare with a crap load of content thrown in it.

The campaign gets absolutely ludicrous with all of it set pieces and the best finale to any cod game ever. Period.

Without a doubt, the main highlight of this game is Spec Ops, which has been completely overhauled into a new, crazy experience. Survival is such a fun, and insanely creative mode that is a blast with friends as you just get stronger and stronger as the game goes on.

However, the real highlight is Spec Ops: Chaos. An arcade style experience that is a huge ecstasy rush for such a simple little concept. Grab a weapon and don’t stop killing. Absolutely fantastic worth it for that mode alone.

I’d say my main criticisms with the game is that, while the multiplayer is fun, it’s mostly unplayable due to activision messing with the servers or hackers. And plus, with the Xbox 360 marketplace going down in about 8 months, some of the content may be lost in time if you don’t get it.

But overall, what a blast to play and is the superior modern warfare compared to activision’s shitty new trilogy

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2023
