Couldn't get this game out of my head so I grinded for 10 hours yesterday to play it through again and beat all the secret fights. And I think it's suddenly one of my favourite games ever? Out of nowhere? It's never been easier to get into a flow state than while playing this, and while Everhood wears its influences on its sleeve (yumme nikki, oneshot, undertale, the usual) it still manages to be incredibly creative and unique on it's own. Some of the best music and best bosses ever in a videogame I think. I love this games approach to difficulty as well; you can turn it as high or low as you want whenever you want without it affecting achievements, allowing an adaptive approach that makes this way more accessible and customisable. Would recommend this game to pretty much anyone (that isn't photosensitive, it's uh it's not very accessible in that regard)

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
