people are already saying that it will be hard to tell whether this game is actually good or not because the legions of dunkey fans will lather praise on it either way, and yeah there are a lot of thumbs up reviews on steam with like 5 minutes of playtime but despite how annoying some of the marketing was I thought this looked like exactly my type of game. And god fucking dammit it is! It's really fucking good! This has some of the best player direction i've ever seen, it only hit me after about an hour that there is absolutely zero tutorials, zero dialogue, no explanation of anything at all, but the game does such a good job of presenting things in a way that is completely understandable. It doesn't really look or play like anything I've played before, the closest comparison might be rain world or the original metroid games but the visual style is so unique. Also has some of the coolest metroidvania items maybe ever, every item seems initially kind of useless but all of them have their own mechanics for avoiding enemies, solving puzzles and getting around, sometimes all 3 at the same time. This will absolutely not be a game for everyone, but it was a game for me. Somehow worth the price tag, and more.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
