For their first game back after going bust, The Expanse is a decent Telltale experience but fails to reach the highs of their previous work.

Gameplay wise is expands on what TellTale were doing with the last season of the walking dead by adding in more gameplay sections that are basically walking around a sandbox while your character talks to people. Nothing too exciting but the gameplay is never what you play TellTale game for.

The story and characters are quite good, nothing that comes close to Lee, Clementine or Bigby but still a pretty decent cast (I had no idea this was apparently based on a show so idk how any characters hold up). Drummer is a pretty good protagonist, her arc consists of the classic tough army person learns to open up to people which is executed quite well. The side characters are nothing special with a couple of exceptions, I quite like Maya's character and her relationship with Drummer is very involved with the story. As for the other side characters they aren't really that memorable im not sure if this will get any further seasons but if so id like to see them come back because there is a lot more you could do with them.

My main criticism is that this game feels like it lacks a lot of dialogue options, in the few sections that contain dialogue options there are only every positive and negative choices where as in previous games they provided a neutral choice or a silent choice. I think that if they cut down on the gameplay sections and provided more interaction with Drummer and the other side characters then you would of got a more complete game.

Im excited to see where TellTale go now that they are back and i am still eagerly awaiting The Wolf Among Us 2 to finally get a release date. The Expanse was a pretty good first outing for them.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
