I am of two minds when it comes to this game.

One one hand I really enjoy the narrative/setting. The idea of people living in Metro tunnels after a nuclear war is a really cool idea. The paranormal side is really creepy and adds a good change to the pace so it is not all shooting mutants and bandits. Whilst no characters shine out particularly they are still enjoyable enough. For a game that takes place mostly underground and in train tunnels, no place ever really feels the same which i commend the designers for as the underground portions are decent design wise which cannot be said for the above ground counterparts. I realised that the version i played was a remake which condensed multiple levels into one which i guess helps with the pacing not always being in loading screens.

However the thing that really drags this down for me is the horrible level design. On multiple occasions I had no idea where I was going or what i was meant to do. Even whilst playing on the easiest difficulty i was stretching small amounts of ammo and gas mask filters across multiple levels because of the sparsity of the placements of supplies, so much so i cant even imagine it on the higher difficulties. The enemies take far to many bullets for what you are given and i found multiple sections where i was wasting almost all my ammo before having to fight another room full of mutants without finding any replacement ammunition. I also found the checkpoints to be really weirdly placed any would often have you backtracking a lot of area. Some of the tunnel locations are extremely dark even with the torch and sometimes when the torch/NVG doesn't work for some reason the game doesn't tell you what is wrong with it. Largely the game throws you in doesn't guide you at all which in some cases isnt a bad thing but apply that with poor level design and you get a frustrating experience. Barely giving a tutorial on any of the items you have in your inventory so i never ended up using half of it. Even the simple addition of a waypoint would of made it way more enjoyable going through solo levels which is where this issue is at its worst.

Overall Metro 2033 is a enjoyable narrative experience with decent FPS combat and a few new features to keep it fresh. However the level design and the sparsity of equipment drags it down to be an enjoyable but frustrating experience. I am going to play through the other games as well and i hope that there are improvements made

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024


5 months ago

I actually didn't know the Redux versions condensed multiple levels into singular ones, thanks for informing me - that probably explains why the checkpoint system could get wonky haha.

I actually didn't find supplies to be that huge an issue and I was playing on the normal difficulty.

Did you not know about the compass? It pointed you in the right direction....most of the time. You are right thought about the game not being intuitive with new supplies like that one battery charger lol.

5 months ago

@RedBackLoggd Yeah I used the compass from time to time and it helped a lot with the later levels but most of the time it was just leading me to an area I couldn't cross. Maybe that's just me not being able to follow a compass properly lol. The supplies I found to be a major issue on the last couple levels because I hunted everywhere and could not find any ammo. I hope the other games improve on the faults with this one otherwise i might just drop the series

5 months ago

No you're right, it just points in the right direction of the objective, not the direction you're supposed to go.

Yeah, the amount of mandatory combat definitely increased in the final stages, I'll give you that- you really needed caches to take on those flying things lol.

5 months ago

@RedBackLoggd The flying things and the brute type enemies in that one stage which take like 8 shotgun bullets to kill.

5 months ago

I plan on playing the second one soon. Hopefully it improved on the first.