A decently fun DLC add on which expands briefly on Harley after the events of Arkham City. Playing as Robin was pretty cool, I wish that you got to play as him the whole time rather than switching to Batman. I like the new look of the Joker goons and Harley's new design is cool.

One major issue I have with this, this can also go for City and Knight. I hate the way that the Arkham Batman treats Robin. Every time Tim Drake is on screen Batman just dismisses his every word, this ironically is the only time it is excusable as its mentioned that Batman is struggling after the ending of Arkham City but still its a pet peeve of this franchise that i Have.

Pretty decent DLC, glad its included in the Return to Arkham remaster.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024


4 months ago

Were all DLC included Flamey?

4 months ago

@RedBackLoggd Yep the remasters include all extra content

4 months ago

Nice, have to get them. Still find AK's season pass to be one of the biggest scams released by a AAA company.

4 months ago

@RedBackLoggd Yeah I remember the prices they charged for that was ridiculous when it first came out. Asylum comes with all the bonus challenge packs aswell if thats of any interest to you. I think there is another collection of the Arkham games that includes Knight but im not sure if it includes all DLC Id have to check that. But if you are looking to replay on Current Gen, these are defo the way to go, saves you buying all the DLC individually

4 months ago

Thanks man. Shame they didn't do Origins as I still have to play that Mr. Freeze DLC.