This was the one game in the franchise that I was dreading coming back to. I got to the area just before the 2nd dungeon and genuinely just couldn't take anymore of it. I played this using the NES switch thing and eventually switched to the "SP" version which gives you most upgrades off the bat.

Due to me not finishing it I cant really talk about it in full detail but from what I played, the world design is horrific. I really did not like the top down world view especially with enemies popping out every 3 seconds and being impossible to dodge. Some enemies are designed really poorly, having to be frame perfect with attacks in order to do damage, also similarly to the first game, when Link has full health he shoots a sword beam, in this game it doesn't damage half the enemies so its totally pointless.

The impression that I got was that if you want to be appropriately levelled their would be a lot of back tracking and with a game as slow as this I just couldn't bring myself to keep at it.

I do have a couple positives. I really like the music, there is a decent diversity in tracks as supposed to the first game. Also you can see a lot of the framework that goes into the future games come around here with towns and villagers, i think a large issue for this game is it was too ambitious with the hardware it was on.

I may come back to it but I highly doubt it and if I do it will be out of pure spite just to finish it.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024


1 month ago

Ah, what a shame. But I remember this one as well as being one of the games that I just tried out and didn't even really try to get into, as kid. Haven't played them all, but at least in my rememberence it was the worst game of the series - and that probably holds up to today as well.

If you try it again, then best of luck! But don't fret about it ;)

1 month ago

@pygospa From what i have looked into, it just gets worse from the point I stopped playing lol. But you never know, I might finish it one day.