This proved to me that rockstar should put way more interest in their franchises that aren't GTA and RDR. This has some extremely fun gameplay and a not bad story to boot. Gun combat is so satisfying and the bullet time is a great addition to making it a little bit more than just a run and gun. Each area is designed really well and the action set pieces are straight out of a movie. Max is a really interesting character and watching him struggle with his addictions and not being able to save everybody makes him really sympathetic despite him gunning down thousands of people across the whole game.

One thing I think would have made it better would have been some detective style missions instead of clues being collectibles of some kind. Would provide a nice break from all the shooting. For example after the girl at the start is kidnapped if Max goes up to where she was grabbed and searches around for clues to where she is and finds something so that they know where to go in the next mission. I think it would have been a nice change of pace as I found myself playing this a couple missions at a time because of how similar they felt. Great mechanics and a decent story, just could of done with a bit of variety

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023
