Sweet and short much like the game's price, the level design isn't as sharp as some of the linear outings from Siactro but Kiwi just being really fun to control makes up for it in the end.

The two main levels from this expansion > the base game ones.
+Cool to see these games presentation evolve and improve over time!

You can def still feel the NES structure and game design in some areas (specially the mother brain sector) but overall a good time and a great remake... (im assuming so at least, cuz this is my first metroid)

a racing game with lots of potential but in a very undercooked state at the moment, the mechanics are good (except the car collisions) but theres just not much to do in it. (they gotta add custom tracks ASAP)

this game has greedy gacha, unfair p2w aspects, lots of bugs and yet im still hooked many months later please send help

Not only its one of the worst 2d marios but its also one of the worst paper mar- ok thats not really saying much.

Its a fun one time thing with friends but not much more than that. But you can't really ask much more for the price.

A fantastic gameplay concept (after all who doesnt love cheese?), however the game sadly just got too convoluted for me as it went on, and i ended up spending most of my time on tutorials or cheating death and rewatching the stage's intro rather than playing the actual game. The story twists in chapter 3 and 4 didnt really do it for me either which is a bit unfortunate as i was enjoying the story in the earlier ones (not to mention the abrupt ending after so much buildup).

Overall a charming experience but not something id revisit, il give it some extra flowers for the unique idea and great artstyle though.