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Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is the modern revival of the mecha genre, combining fast-paced, third-person action combat with fluid movement and extensive customization for your mech.

This game is fun.

Mech customization is wildly detailed, with almost every change you make to your AC parts leading to noticeably different gameplay. The movement is incredibly smooth and reactive and the melee and gunplay feel weighty and responsive in all of the right ways.

The voice acting in this game is absolutely incredible with the characters being unique, memorable, and engaging. The story and set pieces in this game range from interesting and compelling to astonishing and jaw-dropping. Combine with its excellent presentation, captivating music, and tense atmosphere, Armored Core VI delivers a narrative experience that draws you in directly while still retaining some of that FromSoftware signature obscurity.

New Game+ for Armored Core VI is one of the best implementations of this system in video games. From the original playthrough, all the way to the third, players can experience unlock new parts, alternative paths in existing missions, take on all new missions, meet new characters, or even encounter an entirely new pathway and ending to the whole game.

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is a complete mech game experience with big robots, cool characters, a deep story, and dense customization. It's not a game for everybody, but Armored Core VI is an incredibly polished and rewarding experience, landing amongst some of my favorite video game releases of all time.