Didn't actually get any gamebreaking bugs. Apparently the devs have said that some glitches only appear for some players meaning it's really just a "works for me xD" kind of thing.

It's ok, wouldn't bother giving it a 2nd playthrough unless for the sake of coop. I skipped almost every bit of dialogue, the little of the story I did see was pretty uninteresting. On the topic of the story I find it quite funny that even after they cut ties with Avellone they still kept painting this as a whole "choose-your-adventure" kind of thing even though in the end you simply pick what ending you want.

I think the core gameplay is an improvement over the original for sure but I think something like this still wears rather thin by the end of a single playthrough considering you kind of unlock everything you want by the 70% mark of the game and after that it's just rushing through the rest of the game so you can say you finished the game. Of course that's mostly anecdotal evidence so it really depends on how much you enjoy doing open-world copypasted activities.

I'm not sure I'd recommend it but that's not to say it's anything bad. It's a matter of whether or not you care for open world games, which typically I only play to waste time. In this case I was kind of keeping an eye for this for some time considering I played the original so much and I'd say it did it's job well enough. It gave me something to do. Wasn't exactly time well spent but at least the first 15 or so hours was enjoyed a bit. As I said though, I started getting rather bored by the halfway point.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2022
