Some people will get bored of this pretty fast but I quite like the look and feel of this game. Sound design is nice and the gunplay is pretty damn satisfying. If you're one of those people that loathes the threat of losing a character you've leveled/geared up this is not for you.

Run a duo with a friend of yours, one-tap someone with the winchesterfield, chuck a lamp and set someone's body or a bunch of animals on fire. Shoot the shit.

I played this game for a few weeks recently since a friend wanted to hop on it and I'll say that I'd like to commend how the devs haven't added new mechanics that just bloat up the game and add even more shit that would be cumbersome to deal with and instead any addition I have seen is simply more situational equipment or a new method of applying the bleeding, burning, and poison status effects. I first saw this back when the game added the concertina bomb, I don't remember when that update was but it was quite a while ago.

When I came back I saw that the custom ammo update wasn't a matter of just adding explosive or incendiary rounds and was mostly situational/utility update and adds more flexibility to a loadout, provided that you are willing to grind out a weapon.
It was nice to see that it was also relatively well balanced and had some thought put into it as each ammo type comes with their own drawbacks e.g. reduced penetration, increased recoil, slower muzzle velocity, etc.

To contrast with this praise I will say that the meta of always going for one-tap headshots has only grown stronger so chances are most times you will die before even getting to look at your enemy. It can be pretty damn corny.
It's also pretty bullshit how shotguns have absolutely piss poor range and you can get quite unlucky with rng shotgun spread. so even if you are close you can manage to almost entirely whiff a shot.
Server performance can also be pretty damn iffy and every other game I'll rubberband every other minute.
Hitreg can also be somewhat inconsistent but it seems like there's been an update for that.

Anyway, it's still a solid game and I still enjoy it about as much as I had originally have. I will admit that I get pretty frustrated with this game at times but that's usually just cause of a poorly played engagement with another player.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2020
