Kinda shit!

Its just more of the first game except with more versatile dual-wielding, some short side-missions, and another gimmick that comes in about halfway into the game. Said gimmick is one of three "contraptions" that compliment a style of play, I call it a gimmick because it didn't really have much of an impact on my playthrough, I chose the ram shackles cause it made the game more braindead to play so I could just rush through it and be done a little quicker.

This game also suffers from having an obnoxious difficulty spike at the ass end of it because there is NO ACTUAL BOSS FIGHT, it's just another encounter except with an onslaught of the game's harder enemies at the arena before you go run up and press your melee button/key to kill the boogeyman villain of this game.

The story is forgettable, I played this late Nov-early Dec and I already dont remember much of it besides the things that made me roll my eyes. The characters are mostly one-dimensional or just kind of there for a gag.

Thankfully, I didn't have to pay for this game cause I gameshared it off a friend's account. If I actually paid money for this I would've been disappointed more than I already was and dumbfounded. TNO didn't really set a high-bar, the word disappointed isn't really something I should have to use when I wasn't even expecting much in the first place.

If you want to try it out, torrent it.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2021
