Log Status






Time Played

11h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 4, 2023

First played

September 27, 2023

Platforms Played


This fucking sucked. The gameplay couldn't even save it from the obnoxious dialogue.

There are like 15 enemy types and they're really generic. I get that it's based on D&D enemies, but they're all so fucking boring (and/or annoying to fight). The new overworld feature is atrocious and the melee weapons are useless. The game also has a ton of performance issues and glitches, but that isn't actually the thing I am most dissapointed in.

The only actual positive thing I can say is that the spells are actually a cool idea and are actually fun to play around with. BUT the rng is really bad, (if you're not using cheat engine for some nefarious ends) you'll only get legendary armor or accessories. It's like the game doesn't want you to play with fun guns. I say this because only when you finish the game, you can play this really boring arena shooting thing to unlock coins to actually get fun guns to play around with.

You've got to endure 10+ hours of boring filler to actually have some fun, but the only thing left to do is side quests.

This felt like wasted potential and it felt really rushed. You'll be even more dissapointed when you see the neverending credits with hundreds of people who worked on something that's so utterly lifeless and creatively bankrupt. A shame.