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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 27, 2012

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Library Ownership


My copy was called Tag Force Evolution for some reason.

The main reason I had to buy this as a child was I've seen pieces of the (dubbed) anime before, and it was all I wanted back then even if I didn't know how to set up a proper deck at the time. Even now. I thought more OP cards was better and yet always lost to the likes of Jaden and etc.
Besides, Syrus was pestering my ass begging me to tag with him for those weekend practices and I could never say no to him because I couldn't bring myself to do so.

I think what also surprised me is the concept of "borrowing" cards using the code of real life cards you could have had. I tried a few of them and it felt like the best interaction. Didn't keep it for long regardless because borrowing was pricey.

All in all I lost almost every battle because both me and my tag partner were horrible so I dropped it, and never reached the second half of the game. Good memories regardless.