4 reviews liked by Fosterxyy

The art direction, story/mood, and creative direction in this game are all phenomenal, but the gameplay was so frustrating that it made it really difficult to appreciate those things while playing, and while I look back on my time with it. Wander, Agro, and the camera all control like a drunk man who has had so much alcohol that he looks as if his point of gravity is always moving. This is the biggest problem with the game, it can be so frustrating to just do anything and this takes my attention away from how cool most of the colossi encounters actually are ( the bird, sandworm, and giant flying guy being the best imo). This does not mean that there are no bad colossi though, the 9th, 11th and last are horrible imo, it was incredibly frustrating to get all three of those to behave the way the game wants you to. My main takeaway with this game is I would have enjoyed it a whole lot more if the game didn’t control so badly at all times.

I know it's a crime to say this, but I just find this game boring.

Yeah, this game is funny and cool but I just DON'T have the patience for it. I have won a couple of times and I played it a lot when it came out because I wanted the Scout TF2 skin, but DAMN does this game piss me off quickly.

I get that's the whole point, but I can't stand how clumsy and useless these little fuckers are. It's kinda fun to play with friends but it gets old real quick.

been playing since the game released and still yet to win a single game :/