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The HD visuals can't hide the game's shortcomings, unfortunately. Aveline herself is pretty likable, but the game's story really suffers from being peculiarly disjointed. I'm not sure how best to convey this, but you know how movie tie-in games in the 2000s used to have little disjointed clips of the movie inserted in places, and it felt disjointed and misguided? The whole Liberation story feels like that. To some extent this is lampshaded with an "Abstergo is selectively editing what you see" frame story, I know. But even if you take the time to unlock all of the Citizen E side content, the story is just poorly told, and it's hard to get invested, or get swept away by the big moments.

As for the gameplay, it's mostly fine. The persona system isn't great but is thematically interesting and mostly doesn't get in the way (the game's scenarios are generally pretty good at matching your persona's skillset to the current area and required objectives). The bayou is pretty fun, and I think is generally more successful than AC3's frontier (it helps that it's flatter and less ambitious terrain).

I definitely think it's the weakest of the games frequently considered mainline AC titles.