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I'm sure the majority of people don't have a specific memory of when they first looked at a piece of media that they haven't yet experienced, and judged it for being bad. I think that's just a skill you learn, inevitably, without realizing after having played enough shovelware games or learning to be more discerning in what you decide to spend your time on in general.

But I do have that memory, and it was about Family Party: 30 Great Games.
Me, my dad and my sister went to GameStop and wanted to find a good multiplayer game, and they picked this up. I remember saying that it looked like ass (not in those words), and yet my dad decided to get the game anyway, and he told me that I "shouldn't judge a game I haven't played,". We played it a bit and, whilst I barely remember what the actual experience of playing the game was (other than "not good"), I do remember having been proved right after my dad and sister both told me that I was right all along, and the game, actually, was not good.

Vindicated and prideful of the confirmation that I can, indeed, judge a book by it's cover, I regularly made posts to the Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade community on Miiverse about how the game was complete ass and you shouldn't play it.