Jeez the production values on this are bonkers, gotta be one of if not THE highest effort VN out there strictly on the visuals front, undeniable even if you don't care for the artstyle.

Nasu apparently wrote the rough draft of this story before Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime, and it does show in various ways. For example, the relative rawness of classic Type-Moon staples like the distinction between magecraft and True Real Actual Genuine Magic (lol). But despite still occasionally suffering from the same excessively descriptive and exhaustingly long-winded diction Nasu seems to love (especially in F/SN), the interactions between the three main characters in Mahoyo definitely brought this story to another level for me. Love Soujyuro, Alice, and Aoko so much (though I do wish Alice had a little more time to develop and shine as beautifully as the other two before everything wrapped up).

Random harsh aside, I still can't believe how inferior the Garden of Sinners movies are to everything else Nasu has written. Poor Touko got done dirty having to appear in those compared to this

Also did nobody QA the script, the amount of obvious typos was kind of silly for an official translation. Only made it hard to understand a line like two times total though so whatever

[emulated the Switch version via Yuzu // all extra+bonus chapters completed with 100% CGs and songs unlocked]

Reviewed on May 16, 2023
