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I've played through the entirety of this game multiple times. Some of that is definitely nostalgia, but I do think this is just an excellent title that blends deck builder and RPG epic seamlessly. The way the deckbuilding system and party systems interact, as well as the combos you can do is just excellent.

I can't talk about this game without mentioning the story though. This game has a hell of a story that I won't get into much detail about since it is very spoilable. That said, it starts looking like a typical JRPG story that is full of crazy twists and turns I never saw coming. The voice acting is decent too, and quite funny at times, especially with some of the names people and places have.

This is admittedly not a perfect game though. There are a few places where it can be hard to tell where you're supposed to be going, which led to me accidentally grinding in the wrong area to try and get through then being overleveled for the area I was actually supposed to be in.

There is also one dungeon in particular, the Spirit Tower, which is just miserable. While level design is mostly a hit through this game, that one dungeon occupies the same space in my mind as the Ocarina of Time Water Temple, Mt Moon in pokemon R/B and Tower of the Gods in Wind Waker.

Overall though, outside of that one dungeon, this game is a criminally under-rated gem from the Gamecube era, and I look forward to the remake.