The gameplay has aged super poorly for me - I wanted to get into the remedy games so figured I'd start with this one. On the positive side, the plot is really engaging, and sucks you into the mystery pretty quickly, I was immersed in all the 'quiet' moments of watching night springs on the TV, listening to the locals chatter, and watching Alan slowly piece together what had happened. I think this aspect of the game, while obviously being batshit crazy, has aged well aside from some campy dialouge.

However, the gameplay KILLED my enjoyment for the game. It was slow, sluggish and repetitive. Most of the encounters felt more like padding than actual fun gameplay, most of the settings were foggy forests and most enemies were a pain in the ass. I think it's the focus on the resource management, to build up the horror aspect, but when you throw that many enemies at me, it ruins the horror and quickly becomes frustration. And without any puzzles or variety to the gameplay, it was a rythm of stand and shoot gameplay, cutscene and pick up manuscript pages for 9 or so hours.

It's weird as I fairly recently played RE4 for the first time and it did not feel very dated at all, I still had a great time with the gameplay, I think some of the choices here were just poor. But I am very invested in where this world is heading and i'm keen to try AW2 as it supposedy has much better gameplay.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
