This is not an actual review, though one day it will get one, except to say that I saw this in a Let's Play many years ago and could remember aspects of it but never the name and for years I thought it was Threads of Fate but it felt off. Just now happened to find it again. Definitely have to give it a whirl at some point.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024


1 month ago

Lmao. I played Threads of Fate recently, I like that game. I think I've heard of this one before? But I know next to nothing about it.

1 month ago

What I primarily remember is that there's a time loop, the main character's default name is Mouse, there's a somewhat cute guard girl and IIRC there's an annoying platformer section? I remembered main dude and guard girl's designs too.

Glad to hear Threads of Fate was good, I'm rather interested in it :eyes:

1 month ago

There is annoying platforming in Threads of Fate too lol. Like the game controls pretty well, even the jump, EXCEPT for needing to do precision platforming. Then it can stop being fun real quick.