Starting my Ace Combat journey for the first time! I enjoyed this game and it was very easy to pick up and play but this definitely has first game syndrome and feels like a tech demo at times. The D-pad control is not perfect but gets the job done. As someone who loves mission based games like Armored Core i had a great time with most of the missions! It never felt repetitive (hard to when the game is only 2 hours long) and i was always super engaged in it's gameplay despite it not being the most challenging game (until the last 2 missions force you to try a little) It's incredibly lame that it applies the same skin to every plane, i want to use the decals that they show in the shop screen why would you do that just to bait me??? Third person not having important hud elements is also stupid as hell, why give me an option when it actively makes the game harder! There's tons of room to improve in future games and i'm excited to see where things go from here on out!!

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
