It's fine! It's also weird! Like, maybe one of the weirdest games I've ever played? A multi-player online shooter where the actual content of your online game varies from match to match and the player has little to no idea what to anticipate when they jump in. There's no "modes" here like Deathmatch or Capture The Flag or anything - you hop into "Dino Survival" and the game just throws you into whatever. It'll definitely include fighting dinosaurs, that's for sure! But then it'll culminate in a final challenge, usually against a rival team of online players in a format similar to the traditional online FPS modes I just mentioned. And completing online matches with players progresses the story...Like, you get new cutscenes and dialogue after and presumably that progress is what also causes the contents of the gameplay to change between matches too. Like I say, weird!

Not bad necessarily, I guess it keeps things fresh and keeps you guessing?...I've just never seen anything like it before, I have to wonder if the game'll be any fun at all in a year's time when (presumably) there's hardly anyone online playing it and you just progress through these missions with bots. The story moves at an absolutely lightning quick pace and frankly I lost interest and stopped trying to keep up with it after a certain point because every character felt like a bit of a stereotype and every single one without fail had a "slightly" weird accent, in true Capcom fashion. Majesty, Alders, Lorzeno, Magnum, all of the main cast. Not terrible like most VA accents in Capcom games, but...Weird...A great microcosm of the experience as a whole.

Gameplay is fun enough, but even with the game constantly mixing you up it failed to really hold my attention. A bit Overwatch, a bit Left 4 Dead, a bit Anthem I assume, I don't feel like it ever gels into something truly cohesive. It lacks the punch and tension of L4D and the truly competitive aspect of Overwatch, a victim of its own bizarre structure, I suppose. And even though you never quite know what to expect, you do go back to the same maps quite frequently, and there's only so many ways you can fight the same Carnotaurus. The game dishes out new enemy types pretty slowly, and though the diversity is in there - it's weird how long it waits to show you that. I can see someone tapping out at 3 hours in thinking Raptors and Pteranadons are all there is.

I'm tapping out about 15 hours in. Maybe I should've sooner. Because I kept getting shown different stuff, and yet somehow it all just felt the same. It was fun for a bit, and that's about it.

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2023
