I really want to hate this game from what everyone has said. But I’ve gotta be honest, it’s not that bad. Sure there’s annoying shit like adaptivity and losing health every death which sucks balls. But the first darks souls had a lot of shit that sucked balls too. I think the thing I like about this one more is the locations. There’s a lot of really cool areas like drangelic castle and the dragon island place. The bosses are also really easy in this. The game does drag on a ton though. The post shrine of winter stuff is good so I wouldn’t take it away, but I think it would’ve been good to clean up some of the areas that do suck like no man’s wharf and the spider place. That all being said, it’s not great or anything. I just didn’t want to kill myself the whole time is what I expected

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
