Touhou is a series I always really wanted to get into but never was a good enough gamer to make the leap into the games. I tried a few times to play this game in the past few years but never managed to really understand it.
I guess I leveled up as a gamer this year because when I picked it back up in december I instantly fell in love, the game is hard, brutally so, but it never felt unfair or cheap and I really wanted to see it to the end.
Gameplay wise its incredible simple, you have bombs, 4 different shot types to try, and the ability to slow your speed and focus your shots and thats about it.
The game is 6 stages long (5 on easy mode) and with getting to the very end with the 3 continues is difficult, the game truly shows itself when you have to go for the 1cc, or beating the game with no continues. This is the only way to get the true end and unlock the secret uber hard extra stage.
Visually this game is hilarious, the sprite work is decent enough for a game made by one dude but the art is so armature its sort of charming. Its hard to critique it. The music is also hard to critique but for the opposite reason. Touhou is arguably most iconic for its music and EOSD comes in swinging with some of the best tracks I've heard in video games, U.N. Owen was Her? is the one I'd think most people think of first but the Stage 4 theme, Remilia's theme, and Meiling's theme are all stand outs for me.
The game definitely shows its age, the lack of an indicator for the graze hitbox being the biggest issue for me. Graze is a mechanic that promotes you getting as close to enemy bullets as possible without getting hit as characters have incredibly small hitboxes to allow for complex enemy patterns. But overall, I'd recommend!

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2022
