Surprisingly unpolished considering the asking price. I love a good Touhou clone but this one is gutless and devoid of any imagination. Tedious jokes with stilted writing and a flimsy last-minute attempt at an appeal to pathos. Clearly made by fans of Touhou but seemingly not by anyone who entirely understands the joy of them; bog-standard bullet patterns fill the entire runtime and there is no room for player expression whatsoever. And for a game so intensely themed around music, the soundtrack has next to no personality at all... Deeply disappointing.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024


20 days ago

cant expect too much nuance from a game called Idol Hell i suppose

20 days ago

@moschidae i mean, the concept of an idol-themed bullet hell game has a lot of potential... big personalities with big music and big attack patterns, right? but somehow it just doesn't quite get there