Controlling the player character with just the mouse was a fun idea that I was pleasantly surprised by. Unfortunately, the character has some kind of "easing" property which means it won't follow your mouse 1:1, but instead follows your mouse's inputs in a slower, "smoother" calculated line like a photostop brush. You can imagine that in a game like this that would be frustrating, and it is. At first it was inoffensive, a pretty uninspired shmup with the absolute fewest assets needed to make a game but by no means "bad," maybe just "lacking?" Until I reached the second level and saw it was basically identical to the first; which is to say, exactly one enemy type with exactly one bullet pattern, all bunched up at the top of the screen in the same area, just kind of sitting and waiting to be destroyed. The only difference in the second stage is that there were more of them, which shown a gigantic light on the problem with this method. A shmup lives and dies by its bullet patterns, and most games take great care to design them to be these beautiful, thoughtful math equations that guide the player to making deliberate decisions. This game, as I mentioned, has exactly one bullet pattern and just copy/pastes it all over the screen. This is "difficult," sure, like shmups are "supposed to be" (which I resent the notion of, but the notion does exist), though it's only "difficult" because there's no consideration for anything. It's "difficult" because there is no design, no art, just a whole bunch of Stuff happening all over the screen. The boss on the second stage was, predictably, the exact same as the boss on the first stage; same sprite, same bullet patterns, same lack of anything to make you care. The only difference this time is that, for some reason, in my playthrough it just stopped shooting bullets at all for maybe a minute or so and then the game crashed. Nothing in this game has inspired me to boot it back up ever again.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2022
