4 Reviews liked by Fushigiidane

I feel like not often do you get a game that feels 100% like a passion project, but that's what this game feels like. The whole world of Hi-Fi Rush just screams life, and all the robots that make up its population all have extremely charming and quirky personalities. I had many moments where it got me laughing out loud. The main spotlight of this game, however, lies with the main cast; each of them is filled with so much charm, and together they grow into a heartwarming family. 

its truly upsetting that the studio behind this game had the outcome that was put upon them and I hope this game has a everlasting impact

Sims on console didnt work then and it doesnt work now.
Sims 2 pc peak though.

This game is the pinnacle of the sims. There is nothing better than this game. The Sims 4 WISHES that it was this game. But it's not. Maxis peaked here before the capitalistic overlord EA Games bought them out and the soul in this franchise was lost forever. They just don't do it like this anymore. Where's the charm. Where's the LOVE. Where's the PASSION??? It died with the Sims 2. That's where it went. Eat my entire ass EA.

This game gives me nostalgia even though I never played it as a kid.
Janky gameplay and end-boss camera aside, a great start to the series.