Pikmin 2 2023

Log Status






Time Played

18h 34m

Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

October 15, 2023

First played

October 10, 2023

Platforms Played


Ok since I don't feel like writing down a whole lot, here's the basic takeaways of my thoughts of this game.

I very much enjoy the things it refined or expanded upon. I like having two captains more than 1, I enjoy the reworked Pikmin types as well as the new types of Purple and White, I generally like the areas and most of the new enemies and bosses, and for the most part, I like the idea of the new cave diving system, due to the challenge it introduced being to keep pikmin alive rather than keeping an eye on a clock.

However, the caves kind of suck in the latter half of the game. Valley of Repose and Wistful Woods have some awful fucking caves, both because of the enemies and hazards they threw in, and especially because of the RNG of that jumbles the layout of these floors that can at times, just be actually unfair. Not like "oh this game is being mean so it's unfair", no I just mean the game thought starting the map off with a white wollyhop, or an angry bulbear, or a fucking gatling groink would be a fun start to the floor combined with occassional onslaughts of other enemies. It's all too much at times.

I still like this game for as bitter as I feel about the caves, but I think I just like Pikmin 1 more. I like it's structure more, and while it at time had some frustrations, it certainly didn't just outright piss me off.

Fuck Bulbears.