My favorite characters to play as

Pretty self explanatory, I'll mostly be talking about games with multiple playable characters but if there is a game that has one or two characters but I feel like they're incredibly fun I'll talk about them.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Definitely gotta go with Joker here, using your elusive movement like an actual Phantom Thief to set up whiff punishes. Using his gun to condition your opponents to doing something and also being able to do Dante's iconic rainstorm if you're in the air or jump while shooting. Alongside Back-air, Forward-air and Up-air being satisfying to land especially with Arsene. he's basically just snowball, the character for me. Oh and run up throws with his fast movement is so funny to pull off I love it.
Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2
Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2
Johnny might be the most fun fighting game character I've ever played, not a high bar since I'm not too well versed in fighting games but my fuckin god this guy, juggling your opponent with coins in combos and using Mist Finer either to zone, whiff punish or as a combo tool. Stance Dash Treasure Hunt is really hard to execute but when you have it down and pull it off in an actual match, it might actually feel better than an orgasm LMAO. With Johnny also being voiced by Norio Wakamoto, the man with the coolest voice I've ever heard and having an amazing design with his sunglasses, hat and his Super Sexy Stylish outfit.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition
I have added the switch version since I'm talking about freestyle Dante. Being able to switch between 5 melee and ranged weapons with 4 different playstyles at any time is overwhelming at first but my god it feels satisfying when you feel like you're getting used to using the wacky pizza man. Combined with having some of the coolest looking moves like Real Impact, Twister, all of the crazy combos and Rainstorm. Dante's cocky attitude mocking his enemies in his taunts only adds on to this crazy party.


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