If this game didn't have such a godlike artstyle and soundtrack this would be 2.0 stars.
I do not like the sea exploration at all, it's so huge yet empty. even with the fast sail it still feels like a waste of time since most of it is just water with usually nothing of substance to discover. The dungeons were fine but not enough to save this game for me. Toon Link's moveset had so much potential yet I feel like you're never really encouraged to do anything beyond spam the A button or whatever stupid ass gimmick the boss you're fighting has if that doesn't work. I felt as if I would've loved the games story more since you have to save Toon Link's sister, a Zelda game that could have a story about family? That sounds incredibly intriguing to me but no, I felt nothing after saving Aryll because after playing the game for a while I just stopped caring about her as a consequence of wanting me to get this game over with. I had a feeling something important would happen with Link's grandma too but no, I genuinely don't remember her doing anything important after the prologue. Mate, I didn't even give a shit about beating Ganon either. I felt nothing while watching the credits roll. which for me, is a huge sign of me just not being into whatever piece of media I just consumed.

I wish I liked this game because the artstyle and music are incredible, sadly I just feel like I didn't have fun with 80% of the game.

Edits: just some Grammar fixes and adjustments so I don't sound like a damn broken record with these stupid fucking "..." 's lol

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024


4 months ago

literally me except i played original so it was worse
ngl I had a blast with the sea exploration, was my favorite part just cuz of the treasure charts

4 months ago

@Wollom my condolences

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 fair enough, I get why someone would like it. Especially because of how genuinely gorgeous the visuals are...even if you're just kinda staring at the water with the occasional land.