there was a marketing line for Black - something along the lines of "Every Bullet is Your Baby." that is probably the best representation of Black you can ask for. outrageous, very surface level, extremely 2006, and, lets face it - really fun.

while parts of the game haven't aged particularly well - the control scheme is a little clunky, the graphics are very brown-grey (but with excellent particle affects!), and other parts of the game frustrates (some enemies are just the biggest bullet sponges), the game still feels great for all the reasons Burnout is fun to play. it doesnt take itself seriously, and you get to witness cool explosions has you hold the trigger for what seems like forever. there is a story, but while well presented and acted, it doesn't really matter, and can be safely ignored

i honestly wish there was a modern spiritual successor to Black. because, god is this game cool. and sometimes thats enough!

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
