As any normal species packs, this is just a couple of civics and cosmetics. This time we have the theme of an undead empire who defies death. With the overwhelming amount of three new civics, you can now raise undead armies, earn unity with dead pops and improve stability with memorialists (this last one only is worth for tomb-words so you can say that you have two and half civics).

The art is really cool and original, you also have a new ship set, new advisor voice and all, but the problem is: it's a cosmetic pack sold as a mechanical one. It's so uncreative and lacks potential. It's not like the Lithoids and Plantoids where you actually have some mechanical changes, the necroids pack is just a cosmetic pack with two interesting civics extra.

The only thing that really makes up to the 10 dollars price tag is the new origin, that really makes up for the rest of this uncreative pack. Even humanoids has less wasted potential.

Reviewed on May 28, 2024
