As someone who isn't particularly interested in the Avatar films I did quite enjoy this game. They took the smart option of putting very few references the movies in the game so newcomers aren't confused. The game itself is quite beautiful and the world is quite fun to explore.

The cooking mechanic is a nice addition, one I hope a future far cry game uses and the Ikron is fun to fly and fight with.

My main issue with this game is that it's not a shooter so when the game puts combat sections into its missions it becomes quite difficult.

This can be negated somewhat by increasing your combat rating. The problem there is that you need to get better gear by doing quests, finding gear in the world or crafting it. With the first two options there's no guarantee that the gear you get will be better than what you have. Crafting is the best option but the game requires you to collect most of your crafting parts from hunting which can be a pain when you have to find crafting parts of a higher rarity.

Some special ammo uses currency in the game to craft which can hamper your progress as well because you won't have enough to buy new gear from the vendors.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2023
