Chants of Sennaar is a game I never expected to like as much as I did! the premise of the game is simple; you simply go around this mystical tower, translating languages and trying to form links between the inhabitants. the puzzles are never too difficult, but rewarding once you figure them out and give that joy of discovery. the story is quite low-key and leaves a lot to interpretation, but I think it works in a puzzle game like this. the graphics are quite neat, but when I started the game they felt a bit off-putting and the colors were little too bright for my eyes, but the further into the game I went, I really grew to love the overall aesthetic and the world.

my only issue was the forced stealth in couple levels, while none of these sections were too difficult, they still took the enjoyment out of the game. in addition some of the answers felt a bit obtuse at times and I had to search some stuff up, but this wasn't a huge detriment to my enjoyment. ~

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
