Nowhere near as relentlessly innovative as Respawn's other single-player effort, but this is still a really solid Soulslike in the guise of a bombastic cinematic adventure. Their perspective of the Star Wars universe alone makes this superior to the vast majority of stories from the series in recent years. I was pleasantly surprised at the focus on magic, mysticism and mythology in Fallen Order throughout its ancient tombs and sunken spacecraft. Lightsaber combat is also highly satisfying and has genuine depth, although encounter balance often leaves a lot to be desired and it often feels like the game is juggling too many systems for its own good. Narratively speaking, it's nothing groundbreaking and barely contains a resolution, albeit there's some memorable character work and solid villains that keep the stakes high. Otherwise, this is bogged down by a series of small but baffling design decisions (enemy cues, the map system, pathing etc.) that add up into unnecessary frustration. Still though, I stuck it out for the 20 odd hours and had a consistently entertaining time, which is more than I can say for most Star Wars content of late.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2021
