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1 day

Last played

September 10, 2020

Platforms Played


When I was a kid, I used to rent a game from Blockbuster every week. For a long time there was a rent-one-get-one-free promotion. I'd rent two games, beat them both in a week, and go back the next week for two more. If that sounds like a lot of gaming, it is! I am a huge dork!

The one game my mom would never let me rent was The Warriors. She let me rent Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt, but for some reason The Warriors was too far. So I played pretty much every game in that Blockbuster except The Warriors. Well look at me now mom, I finally got the chance to fulfill my childhood dream.

It's a fine game. It's a pretty dated beat-em-up but it works well enough. It would probably be a 2/5 for me if it weren't for the incredible work they did creating a world based on the stellar Walter Hill film. The music rips and the aesthetic is spot on.