Writing my very first review and it's on none other than from one of my favourite franchises, Resident Evil. First off the atmosphere in this game is next level compared to the original (which I also loved but this builds upon the OG so much in all the ways). I play all my games through headphones so you can only imagine how good the sound design is with the noises each monster makes, very chilling (and omg that song The Bullet Or The Blade, what a banger) Ashley is also so much better in this game in every way, I really felt like I could manage taking care of her where as compared to the OG, it was a bit of a struggle (No thanks to the tank controls I guess). Overall I really love this new but familiar feel to RE4 Remake and am hoping for more potential remakes of others in the franchise, bring on more Resident Evil! (I just need more RE in my life)

-Separate Ways-
(I'm adding my review for the separate ways DLC here just because I don't want to personally stat pad my games played.)

I really enjoyed this DLC. Ada has always been a favourite of mine, a mysterious character in the RE series but that's what makes her so interesting (she's also just really good looking). I actually don't remember playing this in the OG game but I did (have the achievements to prove that) but it was nice going in somewhat fresh, oh and the grapple mechanic was a nice addition, although I did wish it was used more freely and what I mean by that is being able to use it on most ledges without designated prompts, just a little nitpick. Overall this DLC is worth it, for $13 I got over 5 hours of playtime!

Resident Evil Ranking
2023 Releases Ranking

This was an experience. Adding this game to my backlog was purely for nostalgic reasons, I remember playing this on the GameCube as a young kid (mind you I didn't get very far then) and having a fun time, but now? Not so much. I found myself just constantly mashing the square button just firing away at an obscene amount of enemies in most levels, I know there are other gadgets but most of those require you to stand still or properly aim while enemies are constantly pushing you so I just preferred to jet pack/jump around while mashing square. It's an early 2000's game so I can't really bash it's outdated controls and graphics, but they are there nonetheless (A remaster would do this game wonders though)

Now it's not all bad as we have Temuera Morrison back to voice Jango Fett (which honestly was a surprise as usually an actor doesn't come in and voice the video game counterpart). I also really liked the side characters in this one (Roz especially) and also freaking Clancy Brown is in this as well. The settings the game took us were enjoyable, some classics and others that I wasn't familiar with, always nice to see another part of Star Wars.

Nostalgia aside, I had a decent time with this but found myself after chapter 3 just mindlessly shooting everything in sight hoping the end of the game was near, also the snipers in this game were cracked (I mean we're talking Halo 2 Jackal levels here).

Star Wars Ranking

Remnant is a soulslike game according to the friends I played with (I've never played a souls game before, that will soon change) but I liked the way it played so much it might just bump one of those other games on my to play list. This was my second playthrough of the game and I enjoyed it all the same as the first time, although more challenging the first time because this time I just rerolled a campaign with my previous character.

The Co-Op in this game is a whole lot of fun and what I believe is a big part of it's charm and the best way to play. The armour and weapon leveling system is something I really enjoyed, as you progress through each world and defeat bosses you can then make new weapons which gives you more freedom to select and change your loadout as you make your way through the game. Another plus to being able to really uniquely build your character is the trait system as you can put earned trait points into many traits such as more health, more critical hit chances, or even a bonus on the scavenges you find.

As for the campaign, it is a tad bit short clocking in at just around 6-8 hours on an average playthrough. The shortness of the campaign also isn't helping the weakest part of this game which is the story, but with a game where combat is just that good, you'll find enjoyment regardless of it's weak plot.

Overall, Remnant is a game I will probably be finding myself digging into more than the 2 playthroughs I've done so far in the future (I mean I've played through this game twice this year already) but before that I have Remnant 2 to look forward to and I hope to get to it soon!

Halo Wars is a nice change of pace into the games history as an FPS, delving into the RTS genre and for the most part it definitely works. This definitive version being a plus as you get all the DLC previously released all in one.

The game has a great story set about 20 years before the events of the chief waking up in the Pillar of Autumn following the likes of Sgt.Forge, Prof. Anders, and Commander Cutter. All of these characters (including the 3 Spartans) are great additions to Halo's cast and you also get a look at the previous Arbiter before THE Arbiter we all know and love eventually comes about. This series also has a good history of great soundtracks with this one and Halo 3: ODST being the standouts. The cutscenes were also pretty damn good, particularly one near the end that most Halo players definitely know about.

I believe this game is at it's best when played cooperatively but it's not the greatest, I wish the game gave you and your friend more freedom in terms of having your own separate unit count instead of having to split the same count. Making the units can also be quite a time slog as you can sometimes just be waiting more than a few minutes doing not much but counting down time for your resources to build up before your army building truly begins.

Overall, when you think Halo, you think first person so the wars games have a hard time at getting you into them (I know back then that was the case for me) but today, I can appreciate this game as a unique foray into this series that I love so much.

Halo Ranking