This installment in the Borderlands series is a much needed improvement over the previous Borderlands 3. While gun play was figured out in 3, stuff such as the world and story were things that needed to be worked on. All it took for them to finally get some decent writing was to go down from an M rating to a T rating, as they had to get more creative with their jokes and have some actual characters in the game. This also goes for the world as well, as they have returned to the smaller maps that were in Borderlands 1 and 2. As oppose to the huge and empty maps that Borderlands 3 had, to replace the huge maps there is know a much smaller over world map to connect all of the areas better than it was in the last game. This game is what I want Borderlands to be in its future installments, as I feel as if though this can be heavily improved on. If you enjoy Borderlands but had disliked 3, then I say give this one a shot. As it fixes most of the problems that I had with 3, and keeps the best part of 3, which is the gun play.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2023
