In terms of a remake of Diamond and Pearl, it is great to experience if 1) you don't have an original copy of the game and want to own an official version of Diamond or Pearl, or 2) if you have never experienced gen 4 in any capacity. For the people in camp one, I would ask if you want a more authentic experience to the original. As in this version includes some of the more modern enhancements. Such as the ability to use any HM whenever the corresponding gym battle is completed, and the addition of the fairy typing into the gen 4 pool of pokemon. For the people in the second group, I would still seek out to play the original in any format. As I think that the art-style for this remake, is inconsistent and feels as if though the game was rushed. What I mean is that the character models and environments look really nice when in battle, but as soon as the player is taken in the overworld. The game adopts this sort of chibi-like apperance, which I personally didn't like. I get that it was to try and replicate the 2-D perspective of the original, but comes off as feeling cheap. So, personally, I wouldn't get this version of the gen 4 titles. I would recommend others to find a way to play the original, if they can. But if you only have a Switch and still wanna play it, then it is a serviceable version of the originals

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
