Very fun beat'em up, while I had heard that fans of the series don't really like this entry due to varies reasons. With the main one being the writing in the game. I personally didn't think much of it and actually had a laugh at some of the lines, as it's clearly not suppose to be taken seriously. I guess there were also complaints about the artstyle of the game. Now this one I can credit to Wayforward, besides the Shantae series and other games that they make in that artstyle, I feel as if Wayforward's games never really looked that good so that was my expectation going into it. As for the actual game, one thing that I really don't like about beat-em up's is trying to figure out the moves that the player character can do in those games. This game's combat is peak old-school beat'em up action, with the game actually explaining the moves that the player character can do, and each of the options being able to combo'd into each other fairly easily and that is not taking into account the combos that can be done with a co-op partner. Overall, great beat-em up, the music in this game is also amazing as I have been hearing these a songs for longer than a decade, but didn't know the source material. If you have a person to play this game with, then give this game a shot as it's well worth the time that the game asks for.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
