With this being an other Marvelous game under my belt, I actually expected the combat to be more like Senran Kagura's where servants would fight one on one in closed off spaces and have cool looking combos with little sections between those one on one fights. What we got instead was a musou, a very bland musou at that. Having played, and really liked, the Fire Emblem and One Piece musous, I would have thought that I would have really liked this one too. The main problem with this game is that it is WAY too easy, even on hard difficulty. This is the definition of a button masher, and if you are not in the mood for one of those then I would stay far from this game. Stuff that this game did well though was the interactions between servants, with the main base, barracks and "my room" being great ways to see character interactions between the main character and other servants. Dialogue and music in the stages is sort of drowned out in the actual gameplay parts due to all of the weapon clashing and explosions going off during combat. But I would be lying if I didn't have a good time playing this game, maybe it was because I was in the right mood or that I finally got a chance to play a game with Nero in it that wasn't FGO. Either way, if you are interested in this game then give it a shot, if not then I would try some other musous as I'm sure they will deliver way better gameplay than this.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
