As a long time Sonic fan, the wait between this and Forces was dreadful. It's good to see that a lot of love and attention into making this game. The open world itself is a great base, but I definitely feel as if though it can be expanded upon (such as making the levels and open world area into one area, so that it is more seamless). While it may seem daunting at first with all of the collectables, players will eventually find out that they do not need to collect every single icon on the map. Combat in this game just feels like a natural evolution of the series and I'm honestly surprised that it took them this long to have this system in place. Control has been a big topic in my friend group, while I think that the controls in the over world are good enough (movement in the air still feels extremely stiff), the control in the levels are absolutely terrible. Trying to make the smallest movement, even when not boosting, is the hardest thing to do. Levels in this game are hit and miss, while they are re-treads of older levels, some are really fun to play in and some are either too short or just too bland. Music in this game is also, weirdly enough, a hit or miss as well. I am glad that they had brought back the lady that sang in some of the tracks in Sonic Forces, but where she isn't I think that other music for the levels are very forgettable. The over world music and the boss themes though, are an absolute joy to listen to. So calm to listen to for the over world, and the boss themes really get the blood pumping. They really help set the mood, and I love them for that. The writing in this game is phenomenal, I love all of the callbacks and references to the older games, it really just goes to show that whoever that they got to write the story this time knows what they are talking about. I am also happy to report that the games story while nothing crazy is very entertaining this time around, with everyone having well written dialogue and delivery. Other minor nitpicks are stuff like upgrading speed and ring capacity takes way too long, menus are a little too slow to navigate, and the pop-in on the overworld is VERY noticeable. Overall, I think that this game is a must play for Sonic fans. Even if you aren't a big Sonic fan and have been looking to try the series Frontiers is not a bad starting point.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
