I was not sure how the development team would add to Breath of the Wild and make it better. Things that comes to my mind was making the main dungeons of the game better and more variability in player creativity and combat. They addressed those issues and even expanded upon those ideas I had for the sequel. Much of what had made Breath of the Wild a great game, is back in full-force for this game as well. But there are two whole new areas to explore, the sky and the depths, along with all of Hyrule (which isn't the same as it was in the original). The story is REALLY good this time around, as in when it progresses, your brain starts to connect the pieces of what is going on, and it is just amazing to experience. I just wanted to get my base ideas down, and not really go to deep into the game (on the off chance someone reads this). In conclusion, if the first game did it for you, then this game is a must play. If you had problems with the first game, and wanted to like it. Then try this, as it has a very high chance of getting hooked to it.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
