I'm comfortable saying now this is the most innovative co op game i've ever played. I played with a good friend and we are absolutely having a blast. This really makes you work together and use your individual skills for the common good to progress, and it's just focused on fun 100% of the time. This should be in the 2021 GOTY conversation. Absolutely do not miss it. Play with a buddy, a significant other, a sibling, doesn't matter. You will have a great time.

As a child of divorce (a particularly horrible divorce), I still found this story to be super endearing. Some people need to be apart, others need a push from a certain Spanish long-armed twerking book to find their way back together. I have never seen a game push the theme of collaboration so well and so thoroughly. Every action must be supported by your partner's actions, and vice versa. You bring different skill sets to the table, but ultimately the only way to get anything done is to learn to work together both through the narrative and the gameplay. This is a pinnacle of thematic consistency, which you know I love. Absolutely outstanding. And they nail the ending. It's not too heavy-handed is very realistic, they don't lean on a facade of "this shared trauma fixed our marriage."

Reviewed on May 30, 2022
