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September 24, 2023

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A lot more like what I was hoping the first one would be, pleasant and fun to get through in one playthrough but hard if you want it to be, for the most part. The minigames that weren’t fun? More often than not they were holdovers from the previous game. Hm 🤔 hmmmmmmmm🤔🤔🧐🧐🧐

Aside from occasional too-tough roadblocks in gameplay that needed some ah, enhanced tactics to navigate, I like this kind of Bomberman more than I thought I would. I mean I should, though, because it’s another example of one of my favorite genres (not to mention it’s also why I rated the first game a half star more than I should have). What can I say, I like these dorks, just running around an amusement park talking shit but also helping each other out like your best dudes are supposed to. There are probably better Bomberman games and maybe a couple out there more fun, but I have to admit, until these games I’ve never cared about Bomberman himself.

Unlike the second, there are two paths you can take to determine which lady friend you like better, your mean tsundere token-girl tagalong friend from the first game, Cute Pink, or your very sweet new friend and circus performer in training, Acrobat Aqua. This was a no-brainer for me. Hm, let’s see, the girl who’s nice to me and can do cool circus shit, or the girl who behaves like Asuka from NGE and somehow expects a man with her impossibly high standards will sweep her off her feet? This just goes to show that things will work out better for you if you’re honest and upfront with your emotions to the people you care about. I mean, she even says so herself.